Your Goddess Journey Awaits!

If you're a soulful, compassionate,
woman who's
craving time to nourish
your mind, body, & soul, and reconnect
to your highest, most blissful self,
join us for a transformational experience
where jungle meets ocean in 
Uvita, Costa Rica
for a magical 
Goddess of Light Destination Retreat!

Immerse yourself in the lush 
of nature and relaxation,
while deeply connecting with other 
incredible powerhouse
who are on a mission to
make a positive change, in the world
and in their own lives.

For 6 days and 5 nights, embody 
the essence of the GODDESS,
so that you return home
 completely restored and ready to
step into your life and soul's path with
renewed passion and purpose.  

“Traveling is not a luxury,
it’s a necessity for the soul.” - Anon

Paradise Awaits You, Goddess!

Our retreats are specially curated to
relax and restore each women's
 mind, body, soul, and energy,
while supporting her path to be
the woman of her own dreams...
...the woman whose actions are
intentional and aligned
with the life she chooses to lead.

Here, she will elevate her
wellbeing and restore her passion
to her soul's path.

Pura Vida ~ Pure Life

We will begin our Goddess retreat by connecting with our new, high-vibe sisterhood tribe, soaking in the sun and the breathtaking scenery! Together we will explore the dazzling salt-water beaches of Costa Rica's Pacific shoreline before checking into our all-inclusive retreat center.

Imagine dipping your toes into the clear water, while sipping the juice of a fresh coconut, truly embodying your Goddess energy.

Deeply relax and settle into being. EVERYTHING has been taken care of for you from gourmet meals to restorative, wholistic wellness sessions to eco excursions that have been on your vision board for ages. Smile knowing that you have finally made your dreams a reality!

Breathe in the scent of freedom - this is Pura Vida - the Pure Life!!

Pure Energy

The daily grind is just that... it wears down our body, mind and spirit, leaving us feeling depleted of energy, creativity, and inner peace.

You deserve so much more my Queen! Allow yourself to receive as you elevate your vibration with reiki-infused therapeutic yoga, a sensuous blue clay treatment, a craniosacral or Thai massage and appreciate the gorgeous curves of your body flowing with a belly dance class, while listening to the soothing sounds of the jungle on the 360° open air deck.

All Goddess sessions are designed to restore, refresh, and rejuvenate you so that your body feels light and empowered, your mind is clear and at ease, and your spirit soars with joy and connection.

Your new Goddess energy will support your highest soul path long after we shower you with blessings at the closing rose ceremony. 

Pure Nourishment 

When is the last time you didn't have to think about what to have for dinner, grocery shop and meal prep? This is often reality day in and day out.

Leave those worries back home because you, Dear Goddess, will be fed like royalty

A professional chef will prepare all our exquisite meals. Enjoy nourishing breakfasts with fruit picked from local trees, incredibly satisfying lunches, savory gourmet dinners, and of course, delectable desserts and fun surprises, enjoyed amongst the laughter of new friends.

Sit poolside while drinking fruit smoothies, refreshing your body from the inside out with food sourced only from the best quality, almost entirely certified organic, locally sourced, and sustainably produced ingredients.

The meals served will be mostly plant based to ensure that our bodies and minds are light, clear, and open to receive the incredible energy of the food. 

Locally sourced eggs will be available if desired.

For refreshments, indulge in the freshest coconut water, a variety of teas, coffee, and fruit juices. 

Allow your body to relish in pure, delicious nourishment!

    Pure Nature

    Costa Rica is world-renowned for its stunning natural beauty. Picture yourself standing in the mist of a waterfall behind a canopy of trees, looking up to see a family of monkeys scurrying to find food or maybe catch the sleepy smile of a sloth above.

    Experience becoming the heroine of your own story as you ride horseback along the pristine beaches at sunset, embodying your Inner Goddess while you watch the pink and orange sky fade into the blue ocean waters. Here, you will witness your dreams coming true and realize that you are the creator of your own reality. 

    Soak it all in as you whisper words of gratitude to Mother Earth for providing this experience of a lifetime.

    She whispers back, "Enjoy every moment dear Goddess."


    There are hundreds of reasons
    why Costa Rica is the perfect selection
    for our next Goddess of Light
    Destination Retreat.
    I have narrowed it down to the
    top 7 reasons
    that an intentional retreat here will
    support you to take your
    dreams and bliss to the next level!

    A Fountain of Youth

    The life expectancy of Costa Rica is 80.94, more than 4 years greater than the United States. this makes it the ideal destination to embody wellness and longevity!

    Costa Rica is also considered by many happiness experts to be the "Happiest Place on Earth". This is the perfect place to inspire women to tap into energy, joy, and awaken their own fountain of youth to improve not only our own lives, but also creates a ripple effect that elevates joy of all around us.

    Stunning Beaches

    With its miles of coastline, Costa Rica has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, with crystal-clear waters, soft sand, and stunning sunsets. The warm waters and sunshine gives us the freedom to unwind and relax, and the ocean provides a sense of clarity and renewal.

    Every time I ask our Goddess of Light community what their dream destination is, anywhere on the beach is always at the top of the list!


    Costa Rica is a leader in eco-tourism and offers visitors the chance to experience sustainable travel that supports conservation efforts.

    As mission-driven women, with deep respect for Mother Earth, it is essential that our travel celebrates nature and honors sustainability.

    With over 500,000 species of animals, Costa Rica is also a paradise for animal lovers, with opportunities to see everything from monkeys and sloths to whales and dolphins to toucans and butterflies.


      From majestic volcanoes to cascading waterfalls to tropical forests, Costa Rica's natural beauty is breathtaking and awe-inspiring.

      It is the perfect backdrop to support flowing into your new Goddess identity and downloading the energy codes that will elevate your wellness and passions to the next level.

      “Travel is the bridge that connects our dreams to reality.” – Jon Miksis


      Costa Rica has some of the warmest and friendliest people you'll ever meet. The country is a melting pot of cultures, with influences from Spain, Indigenous groups, and Afro-Caribbean populations.

      We will explore some of its unique traditions and customs and visit a famers' market where through food and conversations, we will connect with the local community. Their hospitality and kindness will make you feel right at home and leave you with memories that will last a lifetime!


      Costa Rica is a hotspot for adventure activities, that can help you connect with your inner strength and courage, as well as boost your self-confidence.

      During our retreat, you can choose to zipline through the jungle canopy or take the ground tour if you're not ready for new heights!

      We will also ride horseback on the beach at sunset to own and celebrate our inner heroine!


      The peaceful, natural environment of Costa Rica is perfect for a Goddess retreat. Away from the hustle and bustle of modern life, we will enjoy a serene and tranquil environment that is conducive to relaxation and reflection. This environment is perfect for disconnecting from the distractions of everyday life and reconnecting with oneself.

      Costa Rica is known for being a global hub for health and wellness, from the plethora of delicious, nourishing foods to an abundance of holistic healing practices allowing you to create new pathway for your own health and wellness elevation, even after you return home!

        What is Included:

        •  Five (5) nights at the luxurious, all-inclusive Synergy Retreat Center in Uvita, Costa Rica

        •  Three (3) delicious chef-prepared meals with local (mostly organic) ingredients each day, PLUS snacks, desserts, and smoothies at the eco-chic retreat center

        •  Ground transportation to/from the San Jose, CR airport and Synergy Retreat Center at scheduled times

        •  Ground transportation to/from scheduled eco-tourism activities

        •  Goddess sessions throughout the week to raise your intuition, frequency, and confidence to co-create the life you desire!

        • Horseback Riding on the Beach at Sunset

        •  Gentle Sunrise Yoga and Meditation each morning

        •  Ziplining through the luscious jungle canopy OR wildlife & bird watching walking tour

        •  One Thai massage to enhance energy flow OR one relaxing massage session

        •  Sensual Blue Clay Body Painting at the river to deeply connect with Mother Earth

        •  A fun and expressive belly dance class to build confidence and increase feminine energy connection

        •  Beach Play, water blessings, and fresh coconut water sipping

        •  A trip to the local Farmer's Market to connect with local people, culture, and food

        •  A Goddess Photo Session to capture your beauty from the inside out!!

        •  ... and a lifetime of the most amazing memories... 

        •  BONUS #1 - A Goddess Welcome Session prior to the retreat to “meet and greet” the women who will be joining us on the retreat

        •  BONUS #2 - Pre-retreat meditations to enjoy leading up to the retreat, to connect with Goddess energy

        •  BONUS #3 - Post-Retreat Session to align & integrate the experience with your intentions to create the life you desire and keep your vision strong

        • PLUS a few fun surprises!!!

        • AND... if you pay-in-full (payment plan is available), you will receive a personalized  energy meditation to amplify what you desire the most abundance in!

        What is Not Included:

        •  Your round-trip airfare to and from the San Jose, Costa Rica Airport from your home.

        •  Your (optional) hotel stay(s) before and/or after Feb. 4-9.  

        •  Transportation to/from retreat center outside of scheduled times.

        •  Gifts, souvenirs, and phone calls purchased.

        •  Alcoholic beverages and any food/drinks purchased outside of the retreat center.

        •  Additional activities that guest chooses to participate in outside of retreat inclusions.

        •  Travel, personal and medical insurance (highly recommended).

        •  Passport and other necessary documentation.

        Pure Comfort

        Sleep like a Goddess and awake
        refreshed with renewed bliss!

        Our luxury retreat center will be
        private to our Goddess of Light Retreat
        guests ONLY so you can enjoy every inch
        of the gorgeous property.

        Choose a room type below.
        Exact rooms will be assigned a
        month prior to the retreat.
        If you wish to share a room with a friend,
        or have questions about room types,
        please contact us at

        It's time to reclaim your BLISS!!

        Single Room, Private Bath

        Single Room, Shared Bath

        Shared Room, Shared Bath

        Cancellation Policy

        A minimum $750, non-refundable deposit, is required for all reservations.
        Cancellations made before September 1, 2023 will be refunded minus the $750 deposit.
        Cancellations made on September 1, 2023 thru November 1, 2023 will be refunded at 50%.
        Cancellations after November 1, 2023 are non-refundable. 
        Please purchase travel insurance for unavoidable emergencies that may result in cancellation.


        I am so busy already with work and/or family obligations.
        How will I find the time to attend this retreat?

        If you feel the pull of work obligations, remember that your most valuable asset is not your employer or your business. Your most valuable asset is your health and wellbeing. This retreat will help you enhance your life in so many ways that you may even increase your productivity, creativity, and innovation upon return. 

        You're so busy putting everyone else's needs first... your partner's, your children's, your boss's, etc., that you may not remember what it is like to prioritize your own well being and enjoyment. For that matter, maybe you never had an opportunity to really consider what would bring YOU joy. 

        I completely understand and was there myself. I left my three children at home with my partner and flew to Florida to visit my sister one weekend after she had her first child. Beyond visiting and cooking them a few meals, I was sans any obligations. I could finally just breathe again. I knew on my way back home that I not only needed to intentionally prioritize time to spend with ME, I needed to invite other women along!

        Every mother who has come to a Goddess of Light retreat felt more expansive and free, by reconnecting to herself and having supportive women by her side. Some women have even stated that they felt more loving and compassionate towards their children when they returned home... myself included!

        This opportunity sounds amazing and exactly what I need!
        Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can swing the investment.

        Let me ask you first, what might be possible for you IF you attend the Goddess retreat?

        If you took the time to deeply reconnect to your own intuition, spent nearly a week immersed in both relaxation activities and incredible personal growth while surrounded by the healing waters of the Pacific and the soothing energy of the Costa Rican jungle?

        What might you gain from being in a sacred sisterhood of the most loving and supportive women you can imagine, who inspire you to stretch the belief of who are into the most beautiful, radiant, abundant version of you that exists? 

        There is nothing more powerful than saying YES to what you know in your heart that you need and desire.

        While I cannot guarantee any results from attending the retreat, participants of past retreats have opened themselves to manifesting and attracting their dream home, loving relationships, new career opportunities, and even pregnancy! Making decisions from a place of lack attracts more lack. I have lived and learned this personally. Whenever I make the choice to powerfully step into a place of gratitude and abundance, guess what flows to me? More to be grateful for!

        So if you are ready to commit to your next level self, your Goddess energy, I invite you to participate in our payment plan so that you can feel confident about making a financial decision that is truly an investment in YOU. When you pay the deposit, you can plan for the remaining balance so that there are no barriers between you and your true desires!
        Email to inquire about a payment plan.

        Additionally, if you are a business owner, you may be able to write-off the retreat. Please consult with a tax expert to determine if you qualify.

        I have special dietary needs.
        Will the retreat center accommodate me?


        Our retreat center will provide breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, and special snacks that are of the highest-quality, mostly local and mostly organic. Vegan and gluten-free options are standard. Specific dietary needs and allergies will be passed on to the chef who will ensure that every meal is perfectly suited to our needs.

        I would like to attend with a friend or family member, can we share a room?

        Of course, as long as every woman is 18+ and has a valid passport. We have had friends, sisters, cousins, and even mother-daughter duos join our retreats. They love sharing their experiences and breakthroughs with one another! We recommend sharing a room, but please note, the price listed is per person, not per room, so each person in your group will need to arrange for their own payment. 

        I would like to attend, but don't know anyone else going. How do you make the retreat enjoyable for solo travelers?

        Great question. We have had many retreat participants join solo and leave gaining a new group of sister-friends! As long as you are open to meeting new women and leave judgement of self and others behind, you will find an abundance of love and support.  On one retreat, a woman realized that she was the youngest Goddess in the group and felt nervous about being able to relate to some of the other women. By the end of the retreat, she found a soul sister in a woman who was nearly twice her age and they bonded over shared struggles in motherhood. The women who join in our Goddess retreats may experience differences of the outer world, but learn to appreciate their own unique beauty and strength within as well as the connection they share with one another. We will have intentional practices to connect with one another and grow together! 


        Marie Kueny

        Marie Kueny, M.S., Founder of Goddess of Light Retreats, is an empowerment coach, international best-selling author, and curator of intuitive healing circles, and holds a Master's degree in Educational Psychology.

        With a mission to bring more love and healing into the world, Marie offers powerhouse women premium experiences to soulfully heal and elevate their lives to align with their dreams and higher consciousness. Her training in various natural healing modalities, including reiki, Healing Touch, yoga, EFT, and meditation, make her an exceptional guide on the journey towards transformation and connecting women to their own divine wisdom through inspired action.

        Marie, a California native, currently resides in Kenosha, Wisconsin with her partner and their three adventurous children.

        "Most of my expansive moments of transformation have been when I traveled beyond my everyday surroundings, to new destinations that offer both blissful solitude paired with new adventures that help me see my own inner strength and courage. The deep appreciation I have for healing, breakthroughs, and travel set the stage for the creation of Goddess of Light Retreats. I can't wait to witness your personal transformation when you join us on retreat!"

          HappE Roberts

          HappE has been producing impactful and sustainable events for the last decade in Costa Rica through her organization, Upward Spirals and Successful Retreats.

          HappE will be our local guide, both at the center as she arranges professional support staff, sources quality, organic food from local farmers, and coordinates our wellness experts and excursions, ensuring that retreat participants experience the very best that Costa Rica has to offer!

          HappE's areas of expertise and outreach include permaculture, renewable energy systems, growing organic food. food forests, community living, developing a sustainable business, and regenerative community development.

          Goddess Love Notes

          "Marie is a beautiful being that owns her own inner transformative Goddess so that she can then help you step into your Goddess self and find your flow again. I can't think of a better person to help you re-calibrate and navigate to come back to your divine Goddess. Any work you do with her, you will absolutely love!

          Tara A.

          "I would absolutely recommend Marie to any professional that is making any transition or trying to re-engage with their passion. Since I've been working with Marie, I have made so many breakthroughs toward where I want to be in my career and in my business and I'm excited about it!"

          Robin M.

          "There was so much time for self care, self discovery, self reflection, spiritual exploration, and sisterhood... and to top it all off, you just need to show up and enjoy the ride!"

          Venessa E.

          "I met likeminded and amazing women that I didn’t know were out there - I pushed through fears of being vulnerable with strangers and allowed myself to experience new and raw beauty.  It was the greatest thing I’ve ever done!"

          Stacey W.

          The Goddess of Light Retreat Mission

          We believe that every woman is a goddess, with a unique and powerful essence that deserves to be honored and celebrated.

          Our mission is to create a space where women can thrive and connect with their highest selves,
          surrounded by like-minded sisters who support and uplift each other.

          We believe that the key to a fulfilling life is to connect with our inner goddess, and to embrace our mind, body, and spirit in all its forms. Whether we are strong and assertive or gentle and nurturing, we honor the diverse expressions of womanhood and encourage each woman to discover and embrace her own unique power.

          We believe that self-care is essential to our well-being, and that taking time to nurture ourselves is not only a luxury but a necessity.

          At our retreats, we provide a sanctuary where women can escape the demands of daily life and focus on their own self-care journey. From nourishing meals to guided meditations and yoga practices, we offer a range of activities designed to promote relaxation, rejuvenation, and bliss.

          We believe that community is vital to our happiness and success, and that by coming together as women, we can support and inspire each other to reach our full potential. Our retreats provide a safe and supportive environment where women can connect deeply with one another, sharing their struggles and triumphs and offer each other guidance and encouragement.

          We believe that by empowering women to connect with their inner goddess, we can create a ripple effect of positive change in the world. When women are thriving and fulfilled, they have the power to inspire and uplift their families, communities, and beyond.

          Our vision is to create a world where all women can embrace their divine energy and live their lives to the fullest.

          Join us on this journey of self-discovery, sisterhood, and transformation. Come home to your inner goddess and let us support you on your path to thriving and connecting to your highest self!

          Have questions  about future retreats or the Goddess of Light Academy?

          Email us at 


          ♥ Made With Goddess of Light Retreats